Can a quilt and a little girl be best friends? Possibly. Actually, yes. I did this quilt sample for my LQS, and it's called "Clara" from P&B's Clara line. As soon as I opened the fabrics, Jessi wanted the quilt. I explained that the quilt shop wanted to display the quilt for a while because it was a new pattern with new fabrics, and they wanted to show people a finished quilt to try to sell their fabrics. I promised her that as soon as they were finished displaying the quilt, it would be all hers. We returned the finished product and waited. And waited. And waited. For a while, it hung in the middle of the shop. Then they moved it to the front window. Every time we drove past (which was a lot because it is on the way to dance lessons), Jessi would shout "There's my quilt!", and then she would ask when she could have it. I again, reassured her that she could have it when they were done displaying it. After a couple of weeks, a new quilt was being displayed in the front window. Jessi was sure they were finished and she and her quilt could finally be reunited. Not so. When we went into the quilt shop, we soon discovered that it had been moved once again. I told Jessi to be patient, and she would eventually get her quilt. She waited through several trips to the store, but finally couldn't take it any longer. Seemingly out of nowhere, she started to cry. Now, I know it was weeks and weeks of waiting finally building up, and soon she was sobbing. She begged me to ask someone, anyone, who worked there if she could have her quilt back. I asked when they were going to be finished with the display, and as soon as Judy saw Jessi's red eyes, she took the quilt down, carefully folded it up, and presented it to it's grateful owner. Jessi happily took "Clara" home and hugged her friend constantly so she couldn't get away. Here is a picture of the two friends reunited: