Check Out My Instagram

>> Sunday, July 5, 2015

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I've decided to switch to sharing my work on Instagram. I've slowed down a bit with quilting because of my health, and I've found it is quicker to post on Instagram. You can find my most current work by clicking below:

Dianne's Quilts on Instagram 

You can still feel free to check out my previous posts here on my blog. Thanks for stopping by!

Customer Quilts from February - Now...

>> Thursday, September 29, 2011

So...I haven't been posting lately because I have been sidetracked by some medical issues. Did I say sidetracked? Oops..I may have actually been derailed. I spend most of the spring being sidetracked by helping with various volunteer projects. They took much of my time and I am glad I could help out. Then, last June I was diagnosed with Mastocytosis--which, in a nutshell, is a rare and incurable illness that pretty much messes up my whole body. (That's where the derailment comes in.) I've been taking medications and am feeling much better, however it has been and will still be a long process. Since the times I feel good are such a precious commodity, I've been spending them quilting rather than posting. Hopefully I'll be able to keep on top of things now. We'll see...

Enjoy the pictures!

T-Shirt quilt for Jayme A.

Scrappy queen size quilt for Sheri J.

Baby quilt for Trisha J.

A second T-Shirt quilt for Jayme A.

St. Patrick's Day table runner for Jolene B.

Table runner from 1930 reproduction prints for Jolene B.

Queen size pinwheel quilt for Kathryn G.

Queen size pastel diamond quilt for Sally H.

Baby quilt for Marilyn G.

"Confetti" lap quilt for Marilyn G.

"Fuzzy Caterpillars" for Bette G.

Christmas sampler for Bette G.

Closeup of Christmas sampler for Bette G.

Jewel-tone scrap quilt for JoAnn W.

Closeup of Jewel-tone scrap quilt

Another closeup of the Jewel-tone scrap quilt

Pinwheel baby quilt for Marilyn G.

Strip baby quilt for Marilyn L.

Bargello table toppers for Mary Ann D.

Back of "Aggie Star" for Utah State University

Corner of "Aggie Star"

Front of "Aggie Star"

Red "Turning Twenty" for Sandra K.

Back of red "Turning Twenty"

Yellow "Turning Twenty" for Sandra K.

Back of yellow "Turning Twenty"

Table topper for Mary Ann D.

Another table topper for Mary Ann D.

First of 2 baby quilts for Karen P.

Second of 2 baby quilts for Karen P.
Solid green quilt for Annette A. (this is the back)

Front of green quilt for Annette A.
Baby quilt for Julie P.

Back of baby quilt for Julie P. I love showing pictures with minkee backs because the quilting shows up so well :-)
Crosshatch baby quilt.

Back of crosshatch baby quilt.

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January Customer Quilts

>> Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Tanner's Twist" for Millie O.

Boy Scout Neckerchief Quilt for Kathy D.

Strippy baby quilt for Jayme A.

Snowball Throw for Mary Ann D.

Snowball wall hanging for Bette G.

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About . . .

Quilting is good therapy. It all started about 18 years ago when I had two little kiddos running around the house in diapers and spent my days as a stay-at-home mom. I soon discovered that I needed something more interesting than sorting laundry to keep me going. That's when I discovered the joy of quilting. Now, years down the road, I've added another kiddo to the mix. We've said goodbye to diapers and hello to driver's licenses and college (yikes!), and I have many quilts behind me. I now have a studio in my basement with a long-arm machine where I keep myself busy quilting for others and for myself, too, when I get the time. I hope you enjoy looking at what I've been working on!

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